I admit I'm an awful 'blogger,' as I in no way keep a consistent habit with the bloggin.' I *have* been busy though. The guy above ('The Secret Badge of the Snarkle Walkers') is my most recent piece. Very happy with him-even if he wants to twist off course sometimes... (Snarkles *are* notoriously difficult to walk, thus meriting a full on Badge for those who manage it!)
Went to the beach today and drew a couple of things. One of which has me very excited to start another necklace. Here is the plan:
I haven't done one of these multi-strand necklaces before, and I'm kind of excited to start. The shape is just a rough sketch and could change completely later (or not?). I'm debating making the "spacer beads," or whatever you call 'em, myself. Colors are subject to change as well. Certainly *she* will be more colorful! SO! Opinions welcome, not to mention any ideas on how to make the 'spacers'. I *could* use the deer suede, like on an Native American shell necklace I used to have... I have it in prrrreeettttty colors! Here's a larger pic of the Lady: Did traditional cameos ever have full bodies on them? She kinda feels like a cameo to me.. In fact I was almost going to do just the head for the pendant, but, what the eF, she's too awesome to chop up like that!... Probably...
Humboldt State University graduate. Mother of one fairly awesome kid (can I still call him 'Kid' now he is past 18?). In love with some crazy dude I married a few years ago. I make stuff. I play paper RPGs.