Friday, July 16, 2010

On the Horizon...

I admit I'm an awful 'blogger,' as I in no way keep a consistent habit with the bloggin.' I *have* been busy though. The guy above ('The Secret Badge of the Snarkle Walkers') is my most recent piece. Very happy with him-even if he wants to twist off course sometimes... (Snarkles *are* notoriously difficult to walk, thus meriting a full on Badge for those who manage it!)

Went to the beach today and drew a couple of things. One of which has me very excited to start another necklace. Here is the plan:

I haven't done one of these multi-strand necklaces before, and I'm kind of excited to start. The shape is just a rough sketch and could change completely later (or not?). I'm debating making the "spacer beads," or whatever you call 'em, myself. Colors are subject to change as well. Certainly *she* will be more colorful!
SO! Opinions welcome, not to mention any ideas on how to make the 'spacers'. I *could* use the deer suede, like on an Native American shell necklace I used to have... I have it in prrrreeettttty colors!
Here's a larger pic of the Lady:
Did traditional cameos ever have full bodies on them? She kinda feels like a cameo to me.. In fact I was almost going to do just the head for the pendant, but, what the eF, she's too awesome to chop up like that!... Probably...


  1. OOOOO! Maybe I should make 'em out of shrinky dink too! ...The 'spacers' that is...

  2. Yes! Shrinky dink spacers, excellent idea. I'm lovin' this one so far, can't wait to see it!
