Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We Are *NOT* Amused...

I wanted to make another Shrinky-Dink piece today. Am rather disappointed at the result. Not for lack of satisfying design (satisfying *to me*), but because *SO MUCH* went wrong.

It started with the rivet holes. The first one I drilled in the metal was slightly off. Then I realized another problem...The plastic ones were too small for the tubing size.. this time. It worked fine last night, but I think maybe the S.D.'s didn't shrink all the way that first time. This time it shrank *right away*-maybe because I left the cookie sheet in the oven during preheat? Whatever. Then when I tried to fix it, well... not a lot of plastic to make room for bigger holes... so when I went to rivet it all together, a bit of the plastic broke off. I think it will stay together, but you can see the failure.

I also kept dropping things, including my charcoal block, now in pieces. Also the lava rock beads, and I know I lost some- too many things for them to roll under, never to be seen again! Really, I shouldn't be yelling "Damn, damn, DAMN!...DAMN!!!!" at 11pm in my garage, but honestly, there was no stopping the frustration. Even worse; I may have yelled some *other* things...

I guess at least this gives me an excuse to keep this piece for myself. Anyway, here she is:
I think I'll call her "Curse Like a Butterfly." Just cuz...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

For Joy With Love

I had a piece up on I didn't realize I'd misplaced it (for all I know it's gone forever). Unfortunately, (or Fortunately depending on how you look at it...) before I could 'take it off the market,' my unofficial appropriated Mom #2 (aka Joy), had purchased it. Whoopsy!
So I told her I'd make her a custom piece instead, in a vaguely similar vein.
I had only recently gotten the idea to use Shrinky Dink Paper to incorporate my own drawings instead of, say, a sticker/photo collage like the one pictured here in '21st Century Stroll.' I hope I find her someday...

So, I am so immensely proud of what I made today. Shrinky Dink paper is my new best friend! Okay, so here are the raw materials (some not so 'raw'- you can see the finished S.D. in the corner) that went into this project. Well, minus the findings and the pink cord. Above the S.D. is the left over bit of copper after I sawed my shape out. Copper tubing for the rivets, pencils, two jars of green enamel (opaque 'pea' and transparent 'gem'), and my drawing (pre-shrunk size) on tracing paper.

The resultant piece is my new favorite. Hope you don't mind, Joy, but I'm going to wear it a few times before I hand it over!

So here she is, the finished piece in all her Glory. I think I may call her 'Joy Adrift' for various reasons...
I'm wearing it right now...