Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We Are *NOT* Amused...

I wanted to make another Shrinky-Dink piece today. Am rather disappointed at the result. Not for lack of satisfying design (satisfying *to me*), but because *SO MUCH* went wrong.

It started with the rivet holes. The first one I drilled in the metal was slightly off. Then I realized another problem...The plastic ones were too small for the tubing size.. this time. It worked fine last night, but I think maybe the S.D.'s didn't shrink all the way that first time. This time it shrank *right away*-maybe because I left the cookie sheet in the oven during preheat? Whatever. Then when I tried to fix it, well... not a lot of plastic to make room for bigger holes... so when I went to rivet it all together, a bit of the plastic broke off. I think it will stay together, but you can see the failure.

I also kept dropping things, including my charcoal block, now in pieces. Also the lava rock beads, and I know I lost some- too many things for them to roll under, never to be seen again! Really, I shouldn't be yelling "Damn, damn, DAMN!...DAMN!!!!" at 11pm in my garage, but honestly, there was no stopping the frustration. Even worse; I may have yelled some *other* things...

I guess at least this gives me an excuse to keep this piece for myself. Anyway, here she is:
I think I'll call her "Curse Like a Butterfly." Just cuz...

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